Category: .

What’s Your Dream?

What’s your dream? If you have a dream in your heart, you have everything within you that you need to realize it. This week I posted on Facebook that my mission as a coach is to help people to be their most empowered, loving and authentic selves and take action that makes a difference in their lives and in the…


What’s your level of fulfillment today? You know, that feeling of being grounded, connected, having a sense of inner peace and clear direction. Your heart is open, you’re in the flow and you’re excited by possibilities. Take a quick scan through your life. Look at your relationships, career, environment, family and friends, personal growth, money and health, and for each…

Leap and Live Beautifully

“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.” -Agnes de Mille What is it to Leap? This quotation opens Pema Chodron’s book, “Living…

What’s Your Level of Satisfaction?

In a recent review with my coach, I realized that today I experience a whopping 10/10 satisfaction level in the career area! Woo hoo! How awesome is that? I feel energized, focused, committed to growth and mastery. There’s a lot of happy dancing going on around here! Quite a bit has changed since I started working with my coach a…

Shhhhhh the Blog is Resting

The blog is resting- in fact, it’s taking the summer off. It’s sleeping late, visiting with family, going to the beach, napping, reading, eating fresh salads, drinking herb tea- generally relaxing and taking life easy. It just wanted to let you know why it’s been away. So you don’t worry, or wonder. The blog plans to return in the early…

The Power of Habit

As humans, our days consist mainly of collections of habits and routines. From the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, we don’t give much thought to our basic  activities. There’s a reason for this- it helps us conserve mental energy for creative thinking and other mental work. For example, imagine going to the grocery store…


Here’s a short post for you this week: If you find yourself feeling sluggish, resistant, or doing a lot of avoidance behaviours, here’s a remedy that may help. It’s an affirmation that my friend Kimberly Kinser of Gracenote Eldercare Coaching shared with me from the co-founder of Unity Church, Charles Fillmore I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm to do…

Four Steps to Know What You Want

“Through some strange and powerful principle of “mental chemistry” which she has never divulged, Nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire “that something” which recognizes no such word as impossible, and accepts no such reality as failure.” Napoleon Hill,  Think and Grow Rich, 1937   You want to sizzle with life! You want to celebrate each day, each…

The Labyrinth- A Path of Love

Coaching encourages inquiry to find deeper understanding and new perspectives that free you to enjoy life more and take action toward your goal. A labyrinth is a tool that supports creative thinking, exploration and intuitive insights. This article gives an example of how a labyrinth can be used for inquiry. Last night I walked the labyrinth twice. The first time…

Neuroscience and the Present Moment

A flower lives in the present moment. Even though a flower doesn’t have a brain, like we do, it is wise. According to Ann Betz, a Certified Professional Co-active Coach who has studied neuroscience on the graduate level at the NeuroLeadership Institute, there is a relationship between two parts of the human brain- the pre-frontal cortex and the amygdala. The…