Sanctuary Space

Do you need a break?

Imagine you are somewhere completely and profoundly safe. Imagine how your body would feel, to be totally safe and secure from any possible harm, to be sheltered, to be cared for. Here is a place where you can let down your guard because nothing here can harm you. Imagine deep safety.

In this refuge of your imagination you are set apart from daily tasks and demands,  commitments and duties. They all still exist, but they are outside this space. Inside is a place where your soul, your spirit, your deep unconscious can be present. Take as much time as you like to notice the space, use all your senses to make it as real as possible. Is it a church, a cave, a cloud, an island, a hot-air balloon? What is the temperature, what is it constructed of, are there any other people here?

In this place that supports you and shelters you completely, invite the deep, wise, knowing part of you to be present, active and alive.

How does your body feel, in this safe place, with your wise self present?

Follow each exhalation and inhalation, simply noticing the breath as it leaves and enters your body. Notice as it empties out from your chest and lungs. Notice as it fills your chest and your lungs. There’s no need to change your breath, it’s naturally doing a perfect job releasing and refilling.

Notice that by using your imagination and your breath, you have created a sense of sanctuary for yourself. This place of refuge is available to you anytime you want or need it. You are welcome to stay as long as you like.

The refuge you crave dwells within your own mind and body, in the present moment- you create it with your awareness.


Coaching is another way to share sanctuary space in service to discovering your heart’s desire, and taking the  next steps to achieve it. I would love to talk with you further about how coaching could help you find peace and freedom in your life. Please contact me with your questions or to set up a sample coaching session.

Live your best life now and make your difference in the world!
